Hi, I'm Rhys.
I'm a Creator but more specifically described as a Digital Designer.
I have a passion for bringing ideas to life whether that's by myself or working with a team to achieve this, in various ways from branding, websites, print and even illustration. I hate to put up too many boundaries to work inside as this can limit the outcome of a project so I enjoy thinking big then refining down to accomplish the most desirable Final.
This passion of mine started when I was younger, like most artists, but it was never seen as a job only as a skill that I could use in my day to day to standout from others when presenting work. Then I realised that I could use this skill for so much more, especially when your dream of become a Zoologists is shatter by you inability to write 4 essays in 4 hours, thanks Dyslexia.
My history in the creative industry has, so far, seen me create gig posters for music students at college, turned an internship into full time job and start freelancing to become more in-tune with the inner working of the industry.
Hopefully, in the near future I'll be able to work with you on your next idea to bring it to life.
Rhys siting in a chiar, studying a lemon

When life gives you lemons...

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